
A Narrow World

A Narrow World is my latest book of photographic images. There are two essays to accompany the images. The first is:

A Narrow World

Tall and decorous, the house where I grew into adulthood stands iconic in my mind and my artistic output. It has become a symbol of home, family and a reconstructed past that hopelessly intertwines the truth and fiction of how things were and how I wanted them to be. A Narrow World, is a collection of photographs which explore the garden space of my childhood home at 56 Elm Street. I spent a lot of time in the Elm Street garden, initially as a place of play and elementary exploration with my brother Michael. We would devise ever more imaginative and impossible deaths for our toy soldiers throughout the garden and we had an insatiable desire to see what monsters and mysteries lurked in the darkness beneath its rocks. We were allowed to experiment with rudimentary gardening, each getting a package of seeds to plant. The successes of pole beans and zinnias encouraged further youthful experiments and offered me a sense of the earth’s cycles. I was a curious child; always inspired to learn something new or try something I had read about. I was only temporarily disappointed by failure and encouraged by success.  The garden became one of the first projects where I tried to impose my vision upon something and as such became vital soil for the nurturing of my art education. ...

The remainder of the essay can be found in the book.

A NARROW WORLD - No. 8 - Three Structure for Capturing Light
3 color photographs, each 5" x 7"

A NARROW WORLD - No. 2 - Migration
 color photographs, 5" x 7"

A NARROW WORLD - No. 13 - What Keep Us Separate
2 color photographs, each 5" x 7"

A NARROW WORLD - No. 17 - Abandoned Room
 color photographs, 5" x 7"

The second essay is titled:

The Second New York Trip

I was bored with school by third grade. Every subject was too easy. While the class was working through our assigned primer at three pages a day, I had skipped ahead and read the entire book. I even mastered drawing 8’s, which had nearly kept me back in the second grade. Mrs. Maloney knew all of this. She knew just how her students were doing and what they were capable of.  Mrs. Maloney believed I had potential, which is why she had me tested for gifted classes. I wasn’t so sure. I hated tests. You had to remember things, which I didn’t do well. Knowing things was different.  You didn’t have to know something exactly for it to be right, but remembering things had to be exact. ...

The remainder of the essay can be found in the book.

THE SECOND NEW YORK TRIP - No. 1 - Crowd Control
3 color photographs, each 5" x 7"

THE SECOND NEW YORK TRIP - No. 3 - City Triton

color photographs, 5" x 7"

THE SECOND NEW YORK TRIP - No. 6 - Cloud Piercing
2 photographs, 7" x 14" overall

A NARROW WORLD book can be purchased from Amazon or from Curious Matter.

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